Catalog API "Category subcategory selection not supported" error on some categories while not others

When using the External Catalog Queries | Roblox Creator Documentation like documented here, I am not able to sort the search properly some search paramaters go through while others error with:
{"errors":[{"code":1,"message":"Category subcategory selection not supported.","userFacingMessage":"Something went wrong"}]}

Subcategory 5 works:
But not subcategory 20:

Does anyone know why this happenes? The search parameters I have tried are all from the documentation might it be outdated? And if so where can I find the updated parameters for this API.

Likely because Subcategory 5 is actually a category (Gears) whilst 20 is an actual Subcategory for accessories, think you need to also specify the main category for that, so would be what you need to do as category 11 is accessories

That link gave the same error, click the link


Didn’t error for me oddly enough

that makes things 10x more confusing what?!