Certain sets of parts are destroying without even using :Destroy()?

Hey DevForum!

I’ve been working on a simple spawning system for a commission, but I got a problem.

As you can see, the spawning system works flawlessly, everything looks good until after a few seconds… everything just deletes!

The weirdest part is this:
Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 7.50.12 AM

I ran this in the spawner script, and there is no re-asigning of parents in the script either.

The only scripts in the game are these, which are all hand written except for ProfileService which I made sure to get from lolreis
Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 7.50.53 AM

If anyone can explain this behaviour that’d help a lot!

I don't feel like this is a "script thing", but here is some script context if your interested

Uses coroutines for multi spawning
Reading from a config file
Uses for loops a bunch grabbing certain things
Uses chance RNG
Only clones for the spawning

I GTG to school right now, so I’ll read the replies pretty late but please let me know if you want to see the whole script :slight_smile:

I mean, at least the MushroomSpawner script is probably imporant to see.

It’s probably a script thing :slight_smile:

Unless… is there maybe a Humanoid somewhere that’s detecting a death and de-spawning or something? That’s the only other thing I can think of, but that still wouldn’t make sense.


Have you checked Remove or ClearAllChildren functions or… even Zone1.Parent = nil?

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We need more information like the script itself

Is Zone1 an invisible cancollide false part? If so, it’s probably unanchored and is thus falling into the void and getting deleted. That seems like the most likely explanation but obviously I can’t check.


WOW, you nailed it!
Yep, sure enough, I forgot to anchor it, thanks!