CFrame is not a part of 'RedBox'

I am trying to make something where packages drop from random spawners.
I am going well with the code but I am having a slight issue which I can’t seem to highlight.

It keeps giving me: CFrame is not a valid member of Tool “Workspace.RedBox” But the thing is that the box spawns and drops down to the right spawner but then no boxes come after it.

Here is my code:
local MailJob = game.Workspace.Jobs.MailJob

local Spawns = MailJob.Spawner
local Packages = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages")

local Spawn1 = Spawns.One
local Spawn2 = Spawns.Two
local Spawn3 = Spawns.Three

local RedBox = Packages.RedBox
local BlueBox = Packages.BlueBox
local Envelope = Packages.Envelope

while wait(1) do
	local randomSpawn = math.random(1,3)
	local randomPackage = math.random(1,3)
	-- 1 = RedBox
	-- 2 = BlueBox
	-- 3 = Envelope
	if randomSpawn == 1 then
		--Spawn 1
		if randomPackage == 1 then
			local SpawnRed = RedBox:Clone()
			SpawnRed.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnRed.CFrame = Spawn1.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 2 then
			local SpawnBlue = BlueBox:Clone()
			SpawnBlue.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnBlue.CFrame = Spawn1.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 3 then
			local SpawnEnvelope = Envelope:Clone()
			SpawnEnvelope.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnEnvelope.CFrame = Spawn1.CFrame
		--Spawn 1
	elseif randomSpawn == 2 then
		--Spawn 2
		if randomPackage == 1 then
			local SpawnRed = RedBox:Clone()
			SpawnRed.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnRed.CFrame = Spawn2.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 2 then
			local SpawnBlue = BlueBox:Clone()
			SpawnBlue.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnBlue.CFrame = Spawn2.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 3 then
			local SpawnEnvelope = Envelope:Clone()
			SpawnEnvelope.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnEnvelope.CFrame = Spawn2.CFrame
		--Spawn 2
	elseif randomSpawn == 3 then
		--Spawn 3
		if randomPackage == 1 then
			local SpawnRed = RedBox:Clone()
			SpawnRed.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnRed.CFrame = Spawn3.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 2 then
			local SpawnBlue = BlueBox:Clone()
			SpawnBlue.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnBlue.CFrame = Spawn3.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 3 then
			local SpawnEnvelope = Envelope:Clone()
			SpawnEnvelope.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnEnvelope.CFrame = Spawn3.CFrame
		--Spawn 3

I’m going to assume that RedBox is a Model, Models don’t have CFrames

You’ll have to use Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame()
Also make sure you set a PrimaryPart to the Model

EDIT: nvm I see you said it’s a Tool, tools also don’t have a CFrame property

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Tools don’t have a CFrame property, you’ll have to reference the Tool’s Handle instead since it’s a BasePart

local MailJob = game.Workspace.Jobs.MailJob

local Spawns = MailJob.Spawner
local Packages = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages")

local Spawn1 = Spawns.One
local Spawn2 = Spawns.Two
local Spawn3 = Spawns.Three

local RedBox = Packages.RedBox
local BlueBox = Packages.BlueBox
local Envelope = Packages.Envelope

while wait(1) do
	local randomSpawn = math.random(1,3)
	local randomPackage = math.random(1,3)
	-- 1 = RedBox
	-- 2 = BlueBox
	-- 3 = Envelope
	if randomSpawn == 1 then
		--Spawn 1
		if randomPackage == 1 then
			local SpawnRed = RedBox:Clone()
			SpawnRed.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnRed.Handle.CFrame = Spawn1.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 2 then
			local SpawnBlue = BlueBox:Clone()
			SpawnBlue.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnBlue.Handle.CFrame = Spawn1.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 3 then
			local SpawnEnvelope = Envelope:Clone()
			SpawnEnvelope.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnEnvelope.Handle.CFrame = Spawn1.CFrame
		--Spawn 1
	elseif randomSpawn == 2 then
		--Spawn 2
		if randomPackage == 1 then
			local SpawnRed = RedBox:Clone()
			SpawnRed.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnRed.Handle.CFrame = Spawn2.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 2 then
			local SpawnBlue = BlueBox:Clone()
			SpawnBlue.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnBlue.Handle.CFrame = Spawn2.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 3 then
			local SpawnEnvelope = Envelope:Clone()
			SpawnEnvelope.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnEnvelope.Handle.CFrame = Spawn2.CFrame
		--Spawn 2
	elseif randomSpawn == 3 then
		--Spawn 3
		if randomPackage == 1 then
			local SpawnRed = RedBox:Clone()
			SpawnRed.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnRed.Handle.CFrame = Spawn3.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 2 then
			local SpawnBlue = BlueBox:Clone()
			SpawnBlue.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnBlue.Handle.CFrame = Spawn3.CFrame
		elseif randomPackage == 3 then
			local SpawnEnvelope = Envelope:Clone()
			SpawnEnvelope.Parent = game.Workspace
			SpawnEnvelope.Handle.CFrame = Spawn3.CFrame
		--Spawn 3

Thank you very much and I also have one more question, how would I possible make it so that when I touch the tool, it does not put it in my inventory automatically? I think it might be a property I just can’t circle which one.

I believe you could just replace the Tool with the actual BasePart itself, and depending on when you want it Equipped you can use a ProximityPrompt parented inside the Part which is basically an interaction object, and upon activation you can give the Tool to the player that way

(Another way is just renaming the Handle Part to something else I suppose)

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