Ok so I have my script, im trying to make it move, and after like 5 second it starts to turn like a plane would. I want it to keep turning till about a 45 degree angle, and keep moving for another 5 sec then repeat the same thing over again.
I have this script, its not completed but it doesnt work, no error.
If you want it to first just move and then move and rotate smoothly at the same time, and then keep repeating these, maybe the script below will work. However, it might be a good idea to weld the other parts to the PrimaryPart of the model and normally change the CFrame of the PrimaryPart. It’s been mentioned somewhere that :SetPrimaryPartCFrame can eventually offset the parts when used repetitively.
Edit: The way I calculate the CFrames isn’t super accurate either, so I made some changes to this. Now, when it has rotated 360 degrees, it will reset the CFrame to the original. Unfortunately, this only works properly when the angle is a value that, when multiplied by 2^(some natural number), is 90 degrees. Sorry if that was a confusing explanation.
local Runservice = game:GetService("RunService")
local SPEED = 300
local thingy = workspace.Model -- script.Parent
local startCf = thingy:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
local rotationTargetAngleRad = math.rad(ROTATION_TARGET_ANGLE_DEG)
local currentAngle = 0
local totalAngle = 0
local totalMoveTime = 0
local rotateStartTime = totalMoveTime+MOVE_WITHOUT_ROTATE_TIME
local rotateEndTime = rotateStartTime+MOVE_WITH_ROTATE_TIME
local _, delta = nil, 0
while true do
local angleToAdd, deltaWithRotation, endTurning
if totalMoveTime > rotateStartTime and totalMoveTime < rotateEndTime then
if currentAngle == 0 then
deltaWithRotation = totalMoveTime-rotateStartTime
angleToAdd = deltaWithRotation*rotationTargetAngleRad/MOVE_WITH_ROTATE_TIME
else angleToAdd = delta*rotationTargetAngleRad/MOVE_WITH_ROTATE_TIME
currentAngle += angleToAdd
elseif totalMoveTime > rotateEndTime then
deltaWithRotation = delta-(totalMoveTime-rotateEndTime)
angleToAdd = rotationTargetAngleRad-currentAngle
endTurning = true
currentAngle = 0
rotateStartTime = rotateEndTime+MOVE_WITHOUT_ROTATE_TIME
rotateEndTime = rotateStartTime+MOVE_WITH_ROTATE_TIME
local primaryCf = thingy:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
if angleToAdd then
totalAngle += angleToAdd
local angleCf = CFrame.Angles(0, angleToAdd, 0)
if deltaWithRotation then
if endTurning then -- rotating, ending the rotation
if math.abs(math.pi*2-totalAngle) < rotationTargetAngleRad/2 then
totalAngle = 0
else thingy:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(primaryCf*angleCf*CFrame.new(0, 0, delta*SPEED))
else -- rotating, starting the rotation
local moveCf, moveCf2 = CFrame.new(0, 0, (delta-deltaWithRotation)*SPEED), CFrame.new(0, 0, deltaWithRotation)
else -- rotating, but not ending or starting the rotation
thingy:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(primaryCf*angleCf*CFrame.new(0, 0, delta*SPEED))
else thingy:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(primaryCf*CFrame.new(0, 0, delta*SPEED))
_, delta = Runservice.Stepped:Wait()
totalMoveTime += delta
I think you should use body movers. Body gyro for turning. Body thrust, Body Force, or Body Position for moving. Using :SetPrimaryPartCFrame can offset parts and can make the plane go through objects.