Change model rotation while being tweened on a bezier curve

I am using a bezier tween library to move a model with the CFrame of its PrimaryPart. Currently, the model will tween as expected, however I would like the model to face the direction in which it is moving, instead of being stationary while turning.

My idea was to use CFrame.lookAt() to make the model face the next waypoint that it is tweened to, but this intefers with the CFrame already being tweened.

I’m not sure what approach to take in order to handle the change in direction being faced, or where in the script to put it.

If someone could suggest a way for me to change the direction in which the model faces while it is being tweened, that would be great. Here is part of the library I have been trying to edit:

local Bezier = {}
Bezier.__index = Bezier

--// Constants \\--

Bezier.Waypoints = require(script.Waypoints)
local Signal = require(script.Signal)
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

--// Types \\--

export type BezierTweenInfo = {
	Waypoints : Waypoints,
	EasingStyle : Enum.EasingStyle,
	EasingDirection : Enum.EasingStyle,
	Time : number,

export type Waypoints = {
	[number] : Vector3

--// Math functions \\--

local function factorial(n : number) : number
	if n == 0 then return 1 end
	return n * factorial(n - 1)

local function binomial(n : number, i : number) : number
	local x : number = nil
	x = (factorial(n)) / 
		(factorial(n - i) * factorial(i))
	return x

--// Graphing functions \\--

local function graphPoint(t : number, ... : Vector3) : Vector3
	assert(t >= 0 and t <= 1, t .. "t is not between 0 and 1.")
	local points = {...}
	local n : number = #points - 1
	local p : Vector3 = nil
	for i = 0, n do
		local x = binomial(n,i)*(1 - t)^(n-i) * t^i * points[i+1] 
		p = p and p + x or x
	return p

--// Main \\--

function Bezier.Create(instance : Instance, Info : BezierTweenInfo) -- Creates a new bezier curve tween
	local self = setmetatable({}, Bezier)
	assert(#Info.Waypoints > 1, "Bezier curve must have atleast 2 waypoints.")
	assert(Info.EasingStyle ~= Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic, "Elastic easing style not supported.")
	assert(Info.EasingStyle ~= Enum.EasingStyle.Back, "Back easing style not supported.")

	-- User variables
	self.Instance = instance
	self.PlaybackState = Enum.PlaybackState.Begin
	self.TweenInfo = Info

	-- Events
	self.Played =
	self.Completed =
	self.Cancelled =
	self.Ended =
	self.Paused =
	self.Resumed =

	-- Private variables
	self._time = 0
	self._style = Info.EasingStyle or Enum.EasingStyle.Linear
	self._direction = Info.EasingDirection or Enum.EasingDirection.In

	return self

function Bezier:Play() -- Plays bezier curve tween
	assert(not (self.PlaybackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Playing), "Tween is already playing.")
	assert(not (self.PlaybackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Cancelled), "Tween is cancelled.")

	self.PlaybackState = Enum.PlaybackState.Playing
		local x : number = self.TweenInfo.Time
		while self._time < 1 do
			if not (self.PlaybackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Playing) then return end
			local alpha = TweenService:GetValue(self._time, self._style, self._direction)
			self.Instance.CFrame =, unpack(self.TweenInfo.Waypoints)))
			self._time += 1 / (60 * self.TweenInfo.Time)

		self.PlaybackState = Enum.PlaybackState.Completed
		return "Completed"

This is usually done by finding the tangent line on the curve. This info might be useful: Find the tangent of a point on a cubic bezier curve - Stack Overflow