Halloween Update is here!
- New seasonal Anomaly: The Vampire!
- Located in Heavy Containment near the Burning Man.
- Requires a Wooden Stake to fully re-contain, found inside itโs containment.
- When it gets in range of a player, it bites them, turning them into a Feral Vampire, then fleeing from all players.
- On death, drops Scarlet Potion.
-New Unlockable Anomaly: Scarlet Potion - Located in Heavy Containment after re-containing the Vampire, and picking the potion up once.
- Allows you to become a Feral Vampire all year round.
- (From a previous patch) The Plague Doctor now has glowing eyes.
- Two new melee weapons: The Scythe and Broken Sword.
- The Scythe can be purchased from any store. Once bought, it can be used all year round!
- Has a chance to make the target bleed for 3-6 seconds.
- Broken Sword is located in the Vampireโs Containment.
- Reskin of the Knife / Shiv. Once picked up, can be equipped from stores / ammo cans all year round!
- 10 new badges have been added in this update!
- 4 Halloween, 2 Golden, and 4 Regular.
- The Halloween ones will only be available during Spooktober!
- Automated Holiday Events now occur at the facility! The Halloween Event starts on the 1st of October, ends on the 2nd of November.