Changing characters breaks Shift Lock

Hello! when i change the player’s character shift lock just breaks, i don’t know what’s causing this but the character seems to work when it’s set as a StarterCharacter; which means it’s an issue with the script.

Segment of script:

local new = game.ServerStorage.Characters:FindFirstChild("Basic"):Clone()
new.Parent = workspace
new.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
player.Character = new
game.ReplicatedStorage.changeCamera:FireClient(player, new)

Change Camera Event:

	game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = new.Head

I think the character’s humanoid properties not being set up correctly.

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What do you think could be wrong? Like what variables may be interfering with the shift lock?


I think it may be the variables interfering, yea. I’ve never really had this problem so I’m just making assumptions on what might be the problem. I’d say check if the same properties and connections are transferred correctly to the new character

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Could you maybe send pictures of what happens?

found the problem; i had to assign the camera to the character’s humanoid instead of its head

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Glad to hear that. Good luck on your project.

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