Changing Time/Lightning with a GUI

Hello, so I’m trying to change the settings of the time/lightning with just a click from inside the GUI. I’m mostly the type to search up the codes from the developer page but I’m still a bit new to getting around LUA. So here’s the script, I’d appreciate some help on how to accomplish this.

I’m also trying to make it go from noon setting to sunset setting then back again to noon settings do I need to use the “if then else” to do this? I saw this being done on a game called “Stay alive and flex your time on others.”

local lightingsunset = game.Lighting
local lightingsuncorrection = game.Lighting.ColorCorrection
local clocksuntime = game.Lighting.ClockTime

	if 										then
	game.Lighting.ClockTime = clocksuntime
	game.Lighting.ColorCorrection = clocksuntime
		game.Lighting.Ambient = lightingsunset
	-- Lightning ambient Setting
	lightingsunset.Ambient.R = 135
	lightingsunset.Ambient.G = 122
	lightingsunset.Ambient.B = 69
	-- Lighting fog setting
	lightingsunset.FogColor.R = 220
	lightingsunset.FogColor.G = 216
	lightingsunset.FogColor.B = 160
	-- Lighting brightness
	lightingsunset.Brightness = 60
	-- Color correction setting
	lightingsuncorrection.TintColor(252, 241, 173)
	-- Clock time setting	
	clocksuntime = 10.2
	-- Text setting
	script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = "Noon"
	game.Lighting.ClockTime = clocksuntime
	game.Lighting.ColorCorrection = lightingsuncorrection
	game.Lighting.Ambient = lightingsunset
	-- 	Lighting ambient setting
	lightingsunset.Ambient.R = 220
	lightingsunset.Ambient.G = 121
	lightingsunset.Ambient.B = 21
	-- Lighting fog setting
	lightingsunset.FogColor.R = 226
	lightingsunset.FogColor.G = 175
	lightingsunset.FogColor.B = 112
	-- Lighting brightness
	lightingsunset.Brightness = 60
	-- Color correction setting
	lightingsuncorrection.TintColor(255, 131, 69)
	-- Clock time setting	
	clocksuntime = 17.6
	-- Text setting
	script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = "Sunset"


Could you please paste the code in your post with proper formatting? It’s a bit hard to help you when we’re not able to directly interact with the text of it.

ok sorry bout that I finally knew how to format it

It seems there’s nothing after if…?

yes, I was kind a looking for help on what to put in there cause I’ve tried some codes to put between “if” and “then” but no luck.

If there is nothing between the if and then, it won’t do the if statement. You need to put something there