Chat Fixing Script (ChatKiller)

This is a script I found, I have forgotten where. This script is made by TheGamer101 all credit goes to him. (I am just sharing the script) INSTRUCTIONS: Insert a local script in ReplicatedFirst and name it ChatKiller, then copy and paste this into it.

-- Roblox's chat system is the stupidest thing in the entire history of existence. In every parallel universe. In every multiverse.
-- everyone at Roblox should be ashamed of it.

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")
ChatService:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function()
	return {BubbleChatEnabled = true, ClassicChatEnabled = true}

For a more detailed explanation on what this does go here.

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By the way, I think using a script like this probably (I’m not sure) breaks the ToS because you’re getting rid of the chat filtering system.

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It dosen’t get rid of the system it just fixes the bubble chat.


My bad then.

What do you mean by ‘fixes the bubble chat’? Do you mean it’s going to replace the classic chat with the bubble chat?

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If the game is dosen’t have bubble chat this is just a easy way to fix it also you can customize it by making the classic chat = true or false and the bubble chat = true or false. So basically it’s just a way to customize the chat how you want it.

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Then this script could have been from a plugin or (rarely) a free model.

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I’m pretty sure I found it on here (Maybe Not), but if you know who made it tell me and I will give credit. I am just sharing this script because it is very useful.

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I don’t know who made this, but I highly advise you searching up this script on the DevForums.

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I am the only one who posted this but many others have posted similar. I think this is the one of few ways of customizing the chat.

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There’s a just as easy way, which doesn’t break Roblox’s ToS. Simply join the game in Studio, and grab the chat modules. If you look in the settings scripts you can easily turn bubble chat on and off.

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The Code Review category is for asking for feedback on some code that you have made, or for providing feedback on someone else’s code. I’m not sure this post fits into either of those.

Potentially Community Resources is a better place, though I’d recommend you find where you got the script from and get the original creator to make a post if they feel there is enough content here to warrant it. Otherwise I’d just post it in one of the discussion categories.


Thank you for telling me, I have switched it to Community Resources.

This is just an easier way to do it and it dosen’t break Roblox’s ToS.

Comments are quite harsh… Nice though.

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I actually don’t know why everyone is hating on this script. Its actually the best way to edit the chat script if you need to make small changes. Colbert made a great post on why this is better then forking the whole chat.

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While I didn’t write this code either and I believe it originally came from TheGamer101, I’ve taken the time to familiarise myself with the Lua Chat System extensively to help other users customise it. One such resource I’ve written is as linked above, allowing you to change the chat system’s settings.

That aside though, I have a few criticisms to offer. I hope you will take these into account.

The content in this thread specifically isn’t enough to constitute writing a resource since it’s nothing extensive, it’s just reposting a code sample in the resources category for which tutorials and such already exist for. There’s a certain level of explanation expected when you’re sharing items in this category rather than just “here’s some code”. You’ve also got to nail down the what it does and the why ideally. Scripters of all levels read resources, remember that.

The resource’s name is “ChatKiller”, though this does anything but kill the chat as the name might suggest. If you want to “kill” the chat, there’s a property under the Chat service called “LoadDefaultChat” which you can turn off to prevent the Lua Chat System from being added to your game. This is helpful if you use a custom chat and don’t want Roblox’s running in the background.

The Lua Chat System is not stupid at all. I used to think that same thing, as well as of their documentation, but I’ve gotten quite familiar with it now. I’d go the mile to call myself an expert on the Lua Chat System and have a bunch of new tutorials planned out for it to help other developers as well. It’s very extensive and it allows for high customisability, in the case that you want to add features without writing your own chat system from the ground up.


I just reposted the code to share it, because it is very useful, your post goes into detail for what it does. (I’m new to the DevForum this is my first post.) I know what this code does, I’m a new begginer scripter, but this code is simple. When I found this script in one of my old games I kept it because it was very useful to me and it could be useful to other people so I decided to share it. I didn’t know I would have to go in detail, I thought everyone knows what it does. I am just sharing the script that I found, but your post is better and I can give you credit for a more detailed post.