Check if a part doesn't have fire with the same name

How do I check if a part doesn’t have fire with the same name?

1. local SpreadableFire = script.Parent

2. local Part = SpreadableFire.Parent

3. Part.Touched:Connect(function(Hit)
5. 	if Hit:IsA("BasePart") and not Hit:GetChildren():IsA("Fire") then
7. 		print(Hit.Name)

8. 		wait(1)

9. 		local TPart = Hit
10. 		local Fire = SpreadableFire:Clone()

11. 		Fire.Parent = TPart

12. 		TPart.Anchored = false
13. 		TPart.BrickColor ="Really black")
14. 		TPart.Material = Enum.Material.CorrodedMetal

15. 		Fire.Script.Disabled = true
16. 		Fire.Script.Disabled = false

17. 		wait(5)

18. 		for _, v in pairs(TPart:GetChildren()) do

19. 			v:Destroy()

20. 		end
22. 	end
24. end)

I’m trying to make a spreadable fire that duplicates from part to part.

Try this for line 5

if Hit:IsA("BasePart") and not Hit:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Fire") then

This didn’t work.

I mean it worked a little but still failed. The fire shouldn’t duplicate in the same object higher then 1.