Hello. I scripted a basic “press E to sit” system for use in my bus game. It works great except for one issue. You can still sit in the passenger seats through walls. See the video I attached bellow. robloxapp-20201118-1522295.wmv (2.5 MB)
And if you are wondering about how it works. All the seats are tagged using the tag editor plugin. Tagged under the tag “Seats” and they is a single local script that runs in StarterCharacterScripts.
Here is the code for the seat controller script that all characters spawn with and controls the system.
local SEATS_TAG = “Seats”
local SIT_DISTANCE = 5
local cs = game:GetService(“CollectionService”)
local cas = game:GetService(“ContextActionService”)
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)
local seats = cs:GetTagged(SEATS_TAG)
local closestSeat = nil
function SitRequest(name, state, input)
if (state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then
if (closestSeat) then
if (humanoid.Sit) then
humanoid.Jump = true
while (true) do
local seat = nil
local minDist = math.huge
for _,s in pairs(seats) do
local distance = player:DistanceFromCharacter(s.Position)
if (distance < SIT_DISTANCE and distance < minDist) then
seat = s
minDist = distance
closestSeat = seat
player.PlayerGui.Gui.SitMessage.Visible = (seat ~= nil and not humanoid.Sit and not seat.Occupant)
I read somewhere else about doing a raycast but idk how to implement it into this script.
Raycasting was the first thing that came to my mind whilst reading your situation. I would recommend you do some research on raycasting in the Roblox Developer Hub, as well as posts in the Dev Forum.
fixed your codeblock, but using a raycast in your situation is a great way to find out if a block is in the way. you can raycast in a certain direction and it will return a result (i think). then you can use the result to find the magnitude (distance between two parts) to determine if a wall was in the way.