So, my checkpoint script is not quite right, since my friend joined my game weeks ago and he spawned at the fifth level, since i had 5 levels back then. Sometimes when i die i sometimes spawn not at the correct level and sometimes, semi-rarely, when i join the game it does the same thing.
The code looks good to me, are the StageParts a disabled SpawnLocations or are they just a regular parts. My only thought would be that theres a tiny overlooked mistake or some other mischievous script in-game is messing around with player’s position.
You can make it whenever the player touches the check point
There is variable that is holding 0
And if the player touches it the value will be +1
If it’s one or any number the checkpoint will move to another location were you want
All of the checkpoints are spawn parts MCvoj. and i don’t know if the stage parts or the spawn locations are disabled, i can’t see it in my script and there’s no error nor a mistake in my CheckpointScript