I’ll provide some context: I own a group called Quantum Science. Our staffers are considering options like Patreon and Ko-fi as means for community members to show their support, but there have been few in our community who have raised concerns over possible Roblox ToS violations when it comes to the rather blurry line of third party transactions. We want to get this clarified because we’re wary about having to do this solely through Roblox, as I’m sure many of you already know well enough of how much Roblox takes as a cut.
Our membership seeks to just provide subscribers with various different benefits as a token of appreciation for their support, but among the benefits provided is access to our development group called the Quantum Structural Science Team. This access would be along the lines of proving your support, sending a join request to the group, getting it accepted, and playing whatever we have available to your heart’s content for the remainder of the pay period or time you stay subscribed.
In simple, this is the only benefit that references Roblox
Play access to the Structural Science Team group
No other benefits, no in-game econ bonuses, nothing. It will not be mentioned anywhere on Roblox. Just basic access. As I haven’t really seen clear-cut answers towards this subject, my only question now is: Can we atleast do that w/o the risk of altercation from Roblox (Altercation in the form of suspension, deletion and or termination)?
Thank you and I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Stay cool,