Clientside physics issues?

So basically, I have a suspension system for tanks, and I’ve made tracks that are connected to the bottom of each wheel to simulate the physics, it uses Motor6D’s and re-positions the C0 on RunService.Heartbeat

For some reason the tank seems to freeze for clients when undergoing suspension movement, and I literally don’t know why.
I toggle between the client and the server, the server has no trouble with it, you can even see the tracks moving as if it were working properly.

Can someone just explain why it does this? I’ve got no clue and it’s REALLY messing with me right now.

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Had the same issue with my vehicle chassis. Solved it by placing all code into a local script.

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Y’see the issue with that, having to go through each track part for each tank in the game per-frame is a little bit icky in terms of performance, for me at least, its not the biggest impact but I like to keep things on the server.

But if there is legitimately no other way, then I guess that’ll do.

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The issue is that you are calculating the general physics such as gravity and collisions on the client, but the suspension on the server, so the whole thing gets desynced. Offloading everything on the server (I meant network ownership) also gave bad results as the rig became unstable.

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Aight’ sweet, makes more sense to me, I’ll base my work off of that mindset now - tyvm lol

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