[Closed] A Scripter Portfolio: Minhnormal

Status: Currently Not For Hire.

About Me

Good day people! I go by Minhnormal, it is still the name that I started off with. I started playing Roblox in mid-2016 and only started getting on the development/scripting train of people in late 2019. With 1 and a half year of experience, I am yearning to learn some more cool stuff regarding Roblox Development.

I am a scripter.

My Past Work:

A basic FPS ViewModel/Framework system that I made:

An untitled 2d game I made just for fun:

A Bridge Building Mechanism:

There are many more but these are things that I am proud of. :smiley:
I am going to add more to this as time goes on.

Other Skills:

Rojo Icon
If it is required, I use Rojo and I know how to use Git and Github. But, I have little experience with working in a team:

  • My Github profile: Here!
  • As well as a public repository: Here!

If you have checked out my Github profile, you will know I am also learning Python. And I am also planning to learn other languages as well! :slight_smile:


I am currently not for hire.
My time zone: UTC-8
I am available for 3-4 hours on the weekends. I may not at all be available on weekdays due to school.

Payment/Other Requirements:

I require a minimum payment of $10 or Robux converted after tax. But expect more based on difficulty.

Other than that, prices are negotiable, I accept pay per asset.
My preferred payment method is USD (I have not set up my PayPal yet). Though Robux and Group Payout are also great.

By hiring me, you are accepting me at the expense of your work being shown to this or other portfolios.
It is my responsibility to protect clients’ Intellectual Property.
We can discuss what will be shown.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum.
As well as via Twitter at https://twitter.com/normiesatlast
As well as via Discord: minh-p#4065
I also have a Fiverr account (adding that soon).

Thanks for visiting my portfolio! :smiley:
Is there anything that I should change?