[CLOSED] Advanced Builder/Mesher/Modeler

About Me

Hi there! I’ve been building for around a year on Roblox. I do Blender, some gfx, modeling, advanced building, and very basic scripting. note- all of the screenshots in my portfolio are at my max effort, meaning if I will be developing for anyone, it may not be as detailed unless if you will be willing to be paying a lot more.


Here is my portfolio and some screenshots

Portfolio: Roblox Portfolio - Google Drive


I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends. I can sometimes work during the week depending if school gets in the way or not.


Prices are negotiable, I accept payment per a asset (per map) as an example. I am open for 30k R$ or higher.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/DebrubenRBLX or Discord: debruben#1841. Do NOT contact me if your wage isn’t around 30k (what most people are doing).

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


looks really nice, how’d you learn to do such high detail?

Loads and loads of practice, he has about 2-4 years of experience as I can see, he probably uses tutorials from Blender Guru.

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very nice mate :D… D: well done!

I’ve been developing for 1 year, and yes I use some Blender tutorials.

Amazing portfolio. If you are willing to work on a long term project, contact me on discord, user - ExoticRish#8764. I tried contacting you on discord but it didn’t work.

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