[Closed] Basic Worker

About Me

Hello, I am offering my services as a programmer, a game designer, a builder, an union modeler, a graphic artist and video editor within a intermediate experience.


A hat model titled Happy Dome Hat.
Snippet of old game code of a small game.

-- spawns map and teleports players
function spawnMap()
	local selectedMap = maps[math.random(1, #maps)]
	if selectedMap then
		-- spawn map
		message.value = 'Loading Map: "' .. selectedMap.Name .. '"'
		local cloneMap = selectedMap:Clone()
		cloneMap.Parent = game.Workspace
		-- spawn players
		local spawns = cloneMap:WaitForChild("Spawns")
		local flags = spawns:GetChildren()
		local players = {}
		-- move players to spawns, then destory each spawn
		-- lock players until role reveal
		for _, i in ipairs(players) do
			local spawnFlag = flags[math.random(1, #flags)]
			local rootPart = i:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
			local humanoid = i:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
			if humanoid then
				humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
				humanoid.JumpPower = 0
				rootPart.Position = spawnFlag.Position

Availability & Jobs

I am available for few hours during the weekdays and weekends, but keep the mind that I have schoolwork and other passion projects to work on.

  • Programmer and Debugger
  • Part Builder
  • Union-based Modeler
  • Map Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Game Designer
  • Video Editor
  • Game Optimizer


Prices are negotiable, but currently my works are for free with attribution (credit). Monetary payment would be done with a Roblox or Steam giftcard.


I can be contracted at the developer forums, email or Discord.

1 Like

Sorry to bother but what exactly is your discord?

It would be offered in DMs only. If you needed to contract me in Discord, shot me a DM.