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you’ll have to make the lobby out of the workspace when the map is in. eg: lobby.Parent = ServerStorage

closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed

yea, you change what ever u wanna do to the lobby and then put it back to the server storage, Also, you can send the script u did so i can help with it.

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You could set the player’s RespawnLocation for a Spawn on the map.

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yea but you don’t want to put all the maps in workspace at a time, it reduces performance.


You can change the Enabled property to false!

Simply make the Enabled property false in all spawn locations in the lobby.

Ask me if you need help with the code!

A simple way of doing this is Teams

if you don’t want to use the Teams system, you could probably set a table of current active players.
current active players locally will have the map spawn points enabled while the lobby spawn points are disabled.

Don’t forget to hit the “Solution” button if this has answered your questions.

Good luck!