Contact me on discord: BanModels#8451
Im WoGiTeam, im currently working on an others project but I want to make more games.
I need a scripter for a game that i want to make.
The game will need levels, a shop with an unboxing system that makes you able to equip a different weapons while playing the game. The game also need a round system, a playerlist system and some gamepasses that gives you VIP, the vip gives you more xp and money. I need help making the minigames too.
I can pay 3000 robux for the entire game.
3,000 robux is nowhere near enough of what you are asking.
I know but i need the robux to sponsor my game
That doesn’t really matter. That is still an incredibly low amount for a scripter.
Offer a percentage of game profit
Mhmm i’ll just make a new thread about an others game project that can be a lower price
Cause i alreadry gave all my percentages of the earnings to a scripter so i can’t give more
So 100 percent goes to some scripter? Why can’t he do this too
No i gave him more than 50% cause he kinda do all the work but… i wanna keep some too
Fine im gonna make a new thread about a new game
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