[CLOSED] Ethairo Programmer Portfolio

About Me:

Hey I’m Ethan, AKA ‘ethairo’ and I have been developing on the Roblox platform for the last 2 years. I have previously worked mostly on small solo projects, mainly based around animation and making games feel more alive and have more personality. Many of my games are made for fun however I have recently been doing more long term projects such as my In Game Cutscene Demo.

I am currently looking for some short term work as I am, right now, very busy with schoolwork on weekdays.

Examples of previous Projects/Games

Most of my projects I keep private but you can view some Games/Showcases I have previously working on here:


The game below I have put here as it is an example of working with a team however does not reflect my programming ability as I have drastically improved since working on this:


Video Showcases:

Video example of Cutscene Demo as shown above:

Animated loading screen using viewport frames:

Zero Gravity movement system using region3 to cleanly transition a person from zero gravity movement to normal and vice versa:


I am available to do work over the weekends however I will be busy most weekdays due to school. You can contact me at any time regarding work.


Prices are negotiable in DM’s.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: ethairo#2901



I want to hire you. I sent you a private message on the forum. Hopefully it isn’t to late to ask!


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