Hi there! We are Red Bear Community. We have over 7.9 Million Visits and 38k group members and are the creators of both games Operation Overlord and Eastern Front: Operation Overlord - Roblox
Red Bear Community - Roblox
The Team
@Dexthius- Owner
@jakester4 - Developer/Co-Owner
@IllinoisCentraI - Head Builder
@N/A - Head Scripter
Our game:
About The Job
We’re currently looking for an advanced scripter that can complete tasks fast and can constantly update us, if you’re not good at scripting DO NOT CONTACT US also our games are centered around realism.
We will discuss further things such as payment and tasks in our development server.
Contact Us
You can contact me on discord: jakester4#1618
Thank you for reading, have a good day!