[CLOSED] Hiring scripter

About The Job

We are looking for a scripter that can program a car with the following features:A system to drift and a boost system. Each feature must work on PC and mobile.

The car must be ready in less than a week.


We are paying 10,000 R$ . We will pay from group payouts.We’re going to pay you when the car’s ready.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Hello, you might want to change the “.” in “8.000 R$” to a comma. It just might give people the wrong idea.

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We’re still looking for a scripter.

8k is kinda low. Car systems can be really complex and take week(s) to create. I would want atleast 50k (worth around $175 through dev ex) to pay for my hours, that would be WAY below minimum wage


I could make it, but is the car already built? I can not build if it is not already built, but I would be happy to make a GUI control system, and the things that are listed for the car needing to have.

Yes,it is.We will contact you if you give us your discord tag.

I can make the speed o metre GUI, just for 1k.

Thanks for the offer but that’s not what we’re looking for.

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What game is this for :question:

It will be a city RP game.(30 characters)

Contact me on discord Cliffon#2633

K,I sent you a friend request.

My discord tag is Dev#4731, I could do it for you. It could be done in about 1-2 days, maybe even less.

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