[Closed] Looking for builders and scripters for Hangout game [30,000 robux!]

About Us

Hello there Roblox Developers! I am a Roblox player that would like to work with a team that can create a game with us. We are small group that want to make people have the best time they can on Roblox from our games.

The Team
@LifeDigger - Project Manger
@LifeDigger - UI Designer
@You - Scripter (Needs to know UI and animations as well),
@You - Builder

We have no progress so far and want people who can put in 3-4 hours each day on the game.

About The Job

We are looking for a professional and talented Devlopers on Roblox to create a Roblox game that will be a Premium Hangout! This idea came to me because of the new update that Roblox has done by adding the “Popular Among Premium” section on the games.

Our game needs to be build from scratch not using any free models so I expect 3-4 hours each day so we can get it out in 1 mouth time.


We are paying different payments for the roles. The payments can be found below:

  • Builder: 30,000 robux if you build it all and 25,00 if two builder build it.

  • Scripter: 45,000 robux for all scripts

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord. My user name is LifeDigger#7559

Thanks for reading! When contact me make sure you have past work ready and we rather see a game you have made yourself. You will also have to do a chat interview to make sure you are right for the job. :slight_smile:

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I am interested! Please contact me here on the devforum!

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Your Discord tag is not working

Do you mean 30,000 R$ or 3,000 R$?

Are you sure? My Tag is LifeDigger#7559

Sorry about that,add me at Exaboy#2811

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Look at the Payment. It is different for the different roles.

Anyway, I’m interested if you could open your friend requests.

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Sorry guys I forgot I turned off my friends requests. They should be back on again.

I only know how to animate, so if you can’t find a scripter that knows how to animate contact me here - rai#4434 - Discord. It does depend on what needs making however a hangout game seems right where I fit in with experience.

Are you making typo’s? These prices are WAY too low for making a game 4500 for a scripter? 3000 for a builder? thats nonsense.

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Oh yes I did sorry. I missed a 0 of both of them.

Hey, it’s seems a bit hight, but i’m not complainin’ :laughing:

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Where did you get all that robux from? Seems a bit supsicious

I sent you a friend request! KarzyKahos#8051

You do know you can buy robux and also I work as a UI desginer.

So you spend around 750$ USD on Robux?

Sent you a discord request!


Um did you read??? I put I got it from working as well.

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