[CLOSED] Looking for long-term animator & a UI artist


Currently looking for a long term Animator & a UI Artist for our Naruto Closed Copy, NS2.

We aim to make NS2 a copy that stands out from other copies, even if we don’t have the means to do so right now. We offer a community that creates the lore themselves based off what happened, and theres no set things to follow. We want NS2 to be a game where everyone enjoys, and is for the most part balanced on all ends meaning people with special jutsu’s won’t rule the game and any normal player can stand a chance.

We currently put the group on hold so that we could upgrade the game its a VN2 copy and we want to upgrade it even more than we have, however we need the following from the two jobs;

Animating new VFX, to give to our scripter so he can rescript it in
Making new base game animations

UI Artist is needed for a quick task of spicing up and changing the UI we already have, if you wish we might let you stay on the team long term.

Payment will be in Robux however if USD is needed for some payments, it might be able to be worked out, but generally it’ll be through robux. Payment would be per-task. (USD payments cannot be made for a while, we’re working on that ATM)

If you’re interested or have any experience please feel free to contact me on discord at: Mystery#7365


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