[CLOSED] Looking for Someone to Script a Simulator

About Us

I’m Kazurei and I’m currently looking for someone to assist me with scripting my simulator game.

About The Job

Looking for an experienced scripter that won’t slack nor will quit mid-way in the project. I’m hoping that everything can be done in a month, preferably less.

Already have all UI’s made, other assets should be finished quite quickly as well.

Some things you’ll be scripting:

  • Gamepasses
  • Cross-Server messaging
  • Lock-on target/object
  • Pet Inventory and Trading system (Already have one, but needs some cleaning up. If you’d like to make your own, be my guest.)
  • Pet upgrading system
  • Purchasing system


We’ll be paying 50k robux from group funds for this project, hope everything can sail smoothly.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the developer forum, but discord is preferred.
Discord: Gloomy#4401

Thanks for reading.

What kind of simulator? My friends would like to know it before signing up.

It’ll be a chest-opening simulator.

Shoot at chest to obtain coins and go from there.

Do you mean with guns or with something else?

Low poly gun models, you won’t be aiming. It’ll be a lock-on feature where your avatar locks onto the chest and simply fires at it.

I would like to know if the robux is dev exable?

Yeah, it’s revenue from a game.

I would be able too. Judging by what you have said in other replies it sounds good to me.
So basically have configurations for different chests and then you can get guns in chests you sell. I can do that! I’m contacting you. HDWC#4615

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