[CLOSED] Looking for someone who can make a GUI for a Train!

About Us

Greetings, we are a group that has 240+ members. We’re a transit group who is hiring someone who can make GUI’s for a train that is ready to go out for service in our group. Manhattan Transit Commission: Manhattan Transit Commission - Roblox

The Team
@ IamDaniellaCutie - Builder & Scripter
@Arvous - Scripter & Builder
@Typewr_terrrrrrr - Builder
@Fluxiity - Design

About The Job

We are looking for a professional GUI maker to join our team as our lead GUI Maker.
You will be making GUI’s for our Train’s and more. We would need to communicate to see the progress on the GUI and more.


Payment: 500 - 1.2K ROBUX you will be paid thru group funds.

Contact Us

You can contact me thru discord:
Fluxiity :crown:#6624 <= Friend me.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

I am intrested please add me on discord: warnickur#0788

Interested. I’ve added you on discord.

Found someone but, thank you for your interest.

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