[CLOSED] Scapist Studios | Scripter needed! [15 - 20k R$]


Scapist Studios is a studio that strives for the highest quality games, and we’d like a scripter to help us make that dream true!

We’d like a scripter who can do all of these things:

  • You can script and implement UI well.
  • Be able to add a collecting coins mechanism (more will be said in DMs!)
  • You can add a teleportation system (go through a portal, you go to blah blah blah, more details will be said within DMS)
  • You must have at least 1+ year(s) of experience!
  • Be able to cooperate and be professional with other staff and players.

We’ll describe our ideas for the game and how we would want it to be in DMs!

If you’d like to contact us, add me on Discord!

Thanks and have a good day!
Scapist Development Team


It says your discord name is invalid

If you’re interested make sure that you don’t have the @!


We’re currently paritally closed due to us finding 2 scripters. If you want to be considered you have to completely blow us away with your abilities and credintals.

Thanks and have a good day!

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