[closed] searching for various scpf developers. [not paying]

About Us

Hi there! I’m trying to make an SCPF game but I cannot do it alone, I dont have the material to afford a dev or hire it, so this job is not payed, but I’ll still try to pay you!

The Team
@XxTheBestLOLxX - one of the builders and gui makers

About The Job

We are looking for an various scpf developers for making an good game of roleplaying style or just group style. It’s an good opportunity for team working for new devs or experienced devs.

Our game needs at various devs, making a site between us, and scripting it up, I think the game can blow up if we do good!

We are currently not paying but I’ll still try!

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at bulldog#6302
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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