[CLOSED]Looking for map designer(s)

About Us

Hi there! We are G.S Creators, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for Map designers who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game.
The Team
@Argoswingyt - Developer
Amy - Tester

About The Job

We need a map designer who can make 5 maps for a role play game. You will be paid for those maps which are being used in the game.


  1. Should have designed at least 10 maps
  2. Should have a reference (Suggested)
  3. Should be a dev forum member or above
  4. Can do the task in 2 weeks
  5. Have a portfolio (Suggested)
  6. Have some work


We are paying 20 robux per map. Our only payment method is group payouts. Bonuses may be given

To Apply for the job

Applications Closed

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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