[CLOSED]Studio Tsushima is hiring!

Studio Tsushima is hiring for the development of a new game Tsushima 1505!

Tsushima 1505 is similar to some anime games you may have seen on the website however we are taking anime games and reimagining concepts of previous games before us. As it stands right now the game has 2 main developers. In terms of scripting the game is covered however we are in desperate need of an animator and a modeler.

Before contacting us you must send some form of previous work!!!

Without high-quality models and animations, we fear we might not be able to bring our great idea to life. That’s why you’re reading this ad right now. Before you continue on you must understand this is a passion project so if you are looking for money from the start this isn’t your job to take. It’s a decently long time commitment. We truly are looking for devs who are just as passionate about our game as we are.

Now this doesn’t mean you won’t be paid at all at the beginning, in all honesty, you just won’t be paid as much as we believe you deserve. We as a team understand this would be a big risk to take with an uncertainty for the reward but if you are just as passionate as we are and want to find out about the game contact : Merc#6962 or çˆȘㄖㄖ懠çˆȘ捂懠#0517 on discord.

Additional Info:
Upon being hired the modeler will be paid 60 dollars, and the animator 40 (USD.)
The price is negotiable. We can also pay with robux
The game is R15 but we don’t want the style to be overly cartoony.
There is a lot more to be discussed in DMs but the animator is essentially creating an animation pack for one of our clans in the game. (again more info in dms)
The modeler should be decently high quality and semi-realistic obviously within roblox’s limitations. The modeler will be tasked fist with creating a coat type of clothing similar to what you might see the Akatsuki wear in Naruto. Modelers should also be able to create custom characters for our yokai or demons.


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