Clouds shouldn't be visible if it isn't a Parent of Lighting / Workspace

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to hide Clouds inside of the world in Roblox as I want to hide these clouds at certain moments within a game, and making a system out of it.

Currently, having the Parent of Clouds set to other storages such as ReplicatedStorage or ServerScriptService will not make the Clouds be removed from the world and keep it visible, this causes a big problem when I change the parent other than Workspace in scenarios, having it not be visible when it’s not in those two sources would be helpful:

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I don’t have to Clouds:Destroy() the instance itself throughout my game, and not have it bother me as a developer; I also find this as a bug in a way, most notably a feature imo.