Code Assist Beta: AI powered code completion

It’s a use case that won’t happen.

Paid plugins aren’t a joke, they’re a tool someone spent time and effort putting together. You don’t get a hammer from the store for free do you?

Edit: I’m not at all saying all paid plugins should be paid, some are really low quality for example. I’m talking about paid plugins as a concept.

If you can’t pay for a plugin, why don’t you make it yourself for free?
If you can’t do that either, you should suddenly understand why it would be paid.

What open source community does it hurt? Roblox is a platform for building games (or experiences, whatever), not an open source collaboration platform, even if it has collaboration features.
Also, paid plugins can also be open source or be a hybrid of proprietary and non-proprietary code, like how Moon Animator has paid themes you can use but the actual core animating features are free.

If you’re an open source fanatic look at Godot which is open source instead.

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And then someone steals all your hard work making a paid plugin with the AI code assist feature:

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That just isn’t how that works, the code assist feature doesn’t output others code directly, it adapts code it’s seen before to the context.
It won’t just output someones script to you, it will learn from the samples it sees to output similar code in the future, much like how we learn to code.

This means that even if it were trained on a paid plugins’ code, it won’t actually give you the exact plugin code, there’s going to be too much other code in the code assist AI model influencing it to output something else.

The code assist feature isn’t an all-seeing eye and it doesn’t just output others code, it writes code similarly to how anyone else does, it learns from lots of code and then writes similar code.

Similarly, conversations you have with ChatGPT can and likely will be used by OpenAI to train ChatGPT further (unless you disable that), however ChatGPT won’t directly output anybody elses’ chat history to you as is, it’s just talking similarly to how it’s learnt others do.

If you’re gonna say things like this, please look into it a little more first.


This is mostly the case, but even a little bit of paid plugins’ code may be significant enough to the point where it is outright plagiarism.


Pretty cool concept, but if it’s just a worse version of co-pilot what’s the point, I feel like this might negatively impact Roblox creation more so than help. Luckily it seems like the AI can’t be a systems architect quite yet which at least allows genuine scripters to at least retain that part.


Not sure exactly how it works but I think gpt-4 is more expensive. Although I think they should at least use gpt-3 because gpt-2 is almost never helpful…



it’s so weird yet so funny at the same time


I wasn’t aware that they actually have an option for it, I just discovered this. How long has it been here for?


what did you put in the second image?

So I had this BETA enabled since it was released, and completely forgot about it. Simply because it would NEVER trigger, even when I use comments, or purposely try to trigger it. ATP I’m just gonna get Rojo and use co-pilot because at least that works.

I would not reccomend using the AI assistant simply because it rarely works, and because like many have noted here, if it does work, it’s extremely buggy.

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What’s Rojo, pray tell?

(lalalalalala trying to get the minimum number of characters)

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This is super cool but at the same time very scary for those who spent years learning to code.

Sorry my response is so late, Rojo is a tool that allows you to connect Roblox Studio to Visual Studio Code. It syncs up and allows you to edit scripts in VSC

Now that it is a permanent feature, how do we disable it? If even disabling all of autocomplete through settings doesn’t stop this thing from intruding how can we remove it entirely? (Including the “consent” for it to read our code and add it to the OpenAI dataset)

i turned this on and now i want to turn it off, however, it is not in the beta features tab. someone please help me I hate this feature

edit: fixed. went to studio script editor settings and turned off “suggest code automatically”


As someone who does this as a part time job, it’s not. AI won’t replace skilled coders until years, and I can see that whenever I ask GPT to solve anything difficult.

We are working on this. We will have an announcement with more comprehensive settings later this month.


From what I’ve seen so far under the config file in AppData\Local\Roblox\ClientSettings any flag with the words “CodeGen” is related to this? For now, as a temporary fix, what would be the best value to change? "FFlagStudioLuauCodegenPreview"?

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Hey I turned this on just to test it without knowing I can’t disable it. There a way to disable it manually?

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You can go to Settings>Script Editor and turned off “suggest code automatically". We are improving this experience, new UI to disable Code Assist will announce later this month.