Collapse Tabs‌‌‌

Currently on Roblox, it’s too hard to maintain a clean Studio widget layout, especially on smaller screens where real estate is limited severely.

One solution to this is the ability to collapse tabs, which could be a small button that appears on each pane of the Studio window. Here’s what it would look like in Studio:


Clicking this button would collapse the pane to the side, minimising the widgets inside it. Here’s what that looks like:

As you can see, the tabs would be moved from the bottom to the side, and the widgets would be hidden. Clicking the double chevrons would restore the widgets, or clicking a tab would open to a specific widget.

This would be very useful for maximising screen space, and I’d love to see some variant of this idea in Studio.


I definitely would support this in order to have a better view in Studio. If I could close them, I would in the cases of where they aren’t being used at the moment, i.e. testing purposes.


I really want to be able to do this.

I’m about to start animating a character but it feels very claustrophobic to work with the viewport bordered on all sides by widgets - collapsing the ribbonbar makes it even more uncomfortable. When I was working on a 720p screen (which presumably many users are also stuck with), doing this at all was just downright impossible; everything was too squished and I ended up just using Moon instead of the built-in animation editor because it was in the viewport instead of a widget (and hence didn’t squish anything).

I don’t want to close all of my widgets because I have 11 widgets open (not including the animation editor) and it’s extremely annoying reopening them once I’m finished. I work on my game solo so I have a lot of stuff open because I flip between different tasks very frequently.

To use the built-in animation editor comfortably I have to pop the viewport and animation editor out of Studio and manually resize the windows to fill my screen. This gets really annoying when I have to do it frequently, and if I need to switch back to using the rest of Studio (or grab the IK widget) I have to move or put all of the widgets back into the main window because they’re always on top and obscure everything.

I want to be able to collapse everything to the very edges of the window so I can work in the main Studio window in a task-oriented environment (e.g. animation), while also preserving fast and easy access to my usual Studio layout.