Come help me test an obby

I would love if some people could test my obby to see is I scripted everything right and I wanted to see how people thought the game worked


\Okay, So a couple things I’ve noticed after playing for a second

< There’s a gap here, maybe you’re building in too small of units? I’d suggest not using below 0.5 unless you’re building something detailed.
Same thing beside the entrance
image < If you’re gonna have stuff like this you should really disable player choice animations since some animations can’t climb this.
Other than that I think it looks nice. Some of the obby stages need tweaked a tad bit to make them slightly more difficult. Gl.

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Its kinda bland. Everything works properly which is a good thing. But the orange jump thing is way too hard for people, and the checkpoint system brakes. Overall it needs a little work. But god job so far!

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It’s ok but its hard to read the text at the end of the obby because its all parts and they morph together into just gray color. maybe put a invisible part with text on it using a surface gui,

I don’t know if I’m just horrible at obbys. But this is very hard for mobile players.

It is an ok Obby but it has a few problems like the gap when you walk out, the spawn place was kind of floating it wasn’t put down properly. I also have a suggestion instead of having balls in the spawn place maybe replace it with something else instead. Otherwise it’s an alright Obby.

It’s a good start! I think it’d benefit from checkpoints (as most modern obbies have). Also, ‘kill bricks’ are usually neon to get the player’s attention.

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So I just played the obby, here are my suggestions:

  • Decorate the lobby (entry) more to impress new players better, to give them a better ‘welcome’ feeling. Add frames to the walls and maybe put the lights a bit lower. At photo one you can see the lights.
  • A background music would be more cozy for players.
  • I prefer day time over night time because it’s a bit dark and I think day time fits better with the obby style.
    The blue ball can’t be seen very well for example. Or add lighting to the obby. Maybe a suggestion; water? (with lights which are standing on small rocks on the water)
  • Maybe try to add a theme to the obby, I find this pretty basic, or different obby levels than the basic ones.
  • The orange climb level is for mobile users pretty hard. For me it is too, but maybe that’s because I’m not the best in obbys.

I couldn’t get further than photo 2 so this are my suggestions till that. It’s a good start for an obby. :+1:
