Comment Request - Logan

Testimony for LoganWallace25

I’ve been on this platform since 2012, and have grown up with Roblox. The rate of growth this platform has shot up with is astonishing. I spend 60-70+ Hours a week working with my teams on

  1. Koala Cafe
  2. Pizza Simulator
  3. Battle Noobs (WIP)
  4. Pizza Corporation (WIP)

I feel lost financially . Without my parents support, what I’m currently making now with Developer Exchange would have be struggling to the point where I wouldn’t be able to continue doing Roblox Development full-time with the current rates of the Dev-Ex Program.

The Roblox team has provided me and countless others with amazing opportunity to build a career, and I’m extremely thankful for that, but we need to have a higher revenue share to help sustain ourselves and our growing teams.

With the higher revenue split, Roblox becomes a more attractive environment to developers who happen to be currently developing on other competing platforms, it’s a win-win.

Happy Devs, Bigger Teams, Better Games.


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