Constructive criticism needed for UI

I need constructive criticism for my UI. I know there are things that can be improved, but I don’t know specifically what. The crown in the top right means party leader, the minus means leave party, the plus means create party or invite players to party (if you’re the party leader), and the settings menu is opened by the gear in the bottom left. The red bar is health and the blue bar is stamina. The gray background was added to make it easier to see the UI for this post.

Also, is the UI good enough for me to keep for my game or should I hire a UI artist instead?


It’s really good! And I definitely think that you should keep it.

From my point of view, it’s pretty basic. Not saying it’s bad, but it’s nothing special either. Things I would recommend changing are:

  • The health bar, stamina bar, pfp, (essentially everything in that general area) are rather hard to see. I would suggest making it a lil bigger. It’s also hard to see the crown and minus thingy. Try making them stand out a lil more.

  • The settings tab is also a bit small. It would help making that a lil bigger as well. This is more a personal opinion, but maybe a thicker border would help too.

The text on the top is hard to see, and it will be much harder when viewed in the actually game. Try adding a border or background for it.

This is all the advice I really have for it! Really awesome job!! Can’t wait to see the future of your game! <3

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Hey there, I’m late to the party but I’d like this design and I want to give some feedback. First of all, awesome design and composition. The colors, to me, are a little washed out and could use some brightening unless that’s the look you’re going for. For the settings box, I personally would move that close button somewhere else so it doesn’t make the Off/On buttons look like they’re out of place. Other than that, good stuff and hope to see more.

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