Contracts forum

A lot of developers here are experienced in certain areas, but lacking in others (For example, I’m experienced at Lua, but I’m terrible at building.) I constantly struggle with building, but I can’t find decent builders for hire.

So here’s my suggestion: A contracts forum. People post wanted/for hire ads with their conditions, examples of their work, and pricing in a post, and other developers can contact that developer to arrange a trade.

There’s a lot of people out there that are looking to make a little extra coin, and I think that a contracts forum would be beneficial for everyone. For example, I’m currently looking to hire an animation creator for a project that I’m working on, and I’m offering 1K Robux per animation.

I disagree.

It would attract people who only want to be in rbxdev so that they can get in on groups.

Group projects aren’t even supported by roblox so the entire area is super sticky and covered in traps.

There isn’t an overwhelming number of contract threads that would necessitate a contract forum.

[quote] I disagree.

It would attract people who only want to be in rbxdev so that they can get in on groups.

Group projects aren’t even supported by roblox so the entire area is super sticky and covered in traps.

There isn’t an overwhelming number of contract threads that would necessitate a contract forum. [/quote]

The filtering process for RBXdev would prevent the unwanted people from getting in. It’s also not really based on a group basis, as it is more or less based on a per-job basis.

I agree. Generally game quality increases as game development specialization increases.

For example, my game Survive the End of ROBLOX II, has a tornado and electronic music gun made by Tech, sounds made for the public domain from, gear made by people on the Roblox content team, and cars made by Simbuilder. All of these increase the quality of the game, and I couldn’t have done it as well without all of this help. Luckily I had the connections with Tech, the free access to any Roblox gear and sounds, and my brother Simbuilder, to get this stuff done. I can definitely see an increase of game quality if there is more work on Roblox’s end to improve group projects.

I also think it’s the wrong attitude to disagree with this idea,

I disagree.
Group projects aren’t even supported by roblox so the entire area is super sticky and covered in traps. [/quote]
As of now, this is true. It is completely based on trust. But this attitude needs to change, and we should let Roblox admins know we want more tools for group development.

I like this idea, mostly because all my projects on Roblox have been group projects. I like working in a team to make games and a way to get RbxDev members together on projects would be nice.

I agree with TheAmazeman that having specialized people on a project generally increases the quality of the game overall. Neither my brother or I are very good at building so we really rely on finding good builders who would want to do work for our games.

That said, getting groups to work together well can be problematic and that has been the downfall of some of the most hyped up games in Roblox history.