Crawl Animation - How to integrate with Walking Animation

I’ve created a crawling animation which I am trying to incorporate into the existing animations script. The crawling is activated when the user clicks on the C key on their keyboard. Basically, I am looking to add a crawl system similar to how Jailbreak does it.

I have tried incorporating it but it seems to get overridden by the walking animation. Another attempt led to me being unable to get the animation to stop when the user was not moving.

I’m a bit new to doing animations and incorporating them into the script, so any help or advice people can give me is appreciated.


You have a few options here.

  • Change the priority of the crawling animation to a higher priority than the walking animation
  • Change the weighting of the crawling animation
  • Stop the walking animation while the crawling animation is playing

Among some others. Reading up on documentation for the animation object or animation-related Humanoid methods may help out here.