Create Models Inside ReplicatedStorage

Kindof bothers me that I need to copy and paste models into replicated storage (or cmd them in). Same thing with lighting for years before this. I mean…why? I facedesk every time I look for “Model” inside the “Basic Objects” tab. The Basic Objects tab even has Tool inside it for ReplicatedStorage. Seriously…why?

Collectively this update could save me like…1 hour of my life over the span of 10 years.

Here’s a crazy idea: Let people create whatever object inside of whatever other object they want.

We’re not five. We can handle this.

Well, I think it’s more of a way to keep the basic objects not as cluttered.

Unless your basic objects is taking up half your screen you have to scroll anyway.

[quote] Here’s a crazy idea: Let people create whatever object inside of whatever other object they want.

We’re not five. We can handle this. [/quote]

gasps No! This is a no-no, we will alter space and time if this happens, ROBLOX told me so. I mean, why else would we have these limitations…? Right, ROBLOX?

This should be in settings, we should be able to switch off this block by default.

The only sort of dragging which should be disallowed is when you try do something impossible like dragging Workspace into Lighting. Everything else should be allowed.

So basically, prevent services from being dragged but everything else is fine.