Creating a Motor6D Door?

Greetings, to an extent I am familiar with using Motor6Ds to create a swinging door - However, I’m only familiar with doing this through the use of a Plug-in.

Below is the effect that I am attempting to achieve, and was wondering if there were a way to manually create the Motors - I am working on a Chunk generator, and would rather have the welds render manually as opposed to going through every single individual door & creating them.

I have attempted using Weld Constraints by attaching the whole door to a single ‘Hinge’ and then tweeing it from there, however this have proven problematic.

Plug in

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Found a way of doing it through the use of Welds & tweening that seems to work efficiently.

for _,v in pairs (script.Parent:GetChildren()) do


if v:IsA("BasePart") then

if v.Name == "Hinge" or v.Name == "Frame" then


local Weld ="WeldConstraint")

Weld.Parent = v

Weld.Part0 = v

Weld.Part1 = script.Parent["Hinge"]

v.Anchored = false

game.TweenService:Create(script.Parent["Hinge"],, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad), {CFrame = script.Parent["Hinge"].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,math.rad(90), 0)}):Play()




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I suggest once you’ve found your solution, that you select the check box below the message to notify everyone before they click on this topic (if they do) that you’ve already solved it. :slight_smile:

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