I am in the process of creating my own school on ROBLOX and I am struggling a bit with creating something that could be really important for the school. (Bearing in mind I am completely new to scripting and in no way shape or form am I good at it, but I am trying to improve!)
What I am trying to create is a ‘screen’ that could be placed on a wall and the text on the screen can be controlled by a type of ‘console’ in the reception area, and I don’t have a clue where to start, even after searching the Devforum.
If anybody has any idea what I mean could you maybe give me a helping hand explaining how I would do this please?
Note: I am not asking for you to write a script for me, I would love to be able to be as independent as possible with this so I am just asking if people could link me somewhere or give me an explanation about the scripting.
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Just use a TextBox, added to a ScreenGui
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Also if you want to display it on a wall or a part, use a SurfaceGui
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Thank you! I got this bit, so I was just wondering if I would be able to script it so the surface GUI text box isn’t able to be altered unless it is altered through a ‘console’ type thing somewhere else on the build? Sorry If I am confusing people.
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What you mean by console? You want the TextBox modifiable only with it?
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Let’s say,
I made a computer screen somewhere which I could edit the text on and then click a ‘send’ button on the screen which then displays it on the main board.
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So you want 2 things:
1 thing to type the text
1 thing to send the text you just typed on the first thing?
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1 Thing to type and send the text
1 thing to display it on
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For the type and send, i would use a TextBox + a type of loop inside a script with this script inside the TextBox, for a display i would use a TextButton or ImageButton
I was just think, if the screen was clickable and when clicked a screengui would come up, allowing you to edit the text through there and once you sent it, it would show up on the display part.
It could be another solution 
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