Cube Sakura Island Feedback

Earlier today I built this Cube Island for my game about being a Cube, I wanted a bit of Feedback on it to see what I can improve on. The Middle is mean’t to be somewhat of a mysterious shrine

Here is a Player’s POV To Compare the size of it

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Looks pretty good. I have some recommendations though :

  • I would add some sticks/branches to the trees
  • I would add different tree colors
  • I would add some more details to the terrain (blocky bushes, rectangles as grass, etc…)
    Other than that, it is very good ! :smiley:
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Thanks for the recommendations! I will definitely use those for the future, mainly the bushes

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It is quite good, but here are my recommendations.

  1. I would add more blocks and branches to the trees.
  2. I would use different shades of pink to give variation.
  3. I would add something to fill the map like shrubs and other vegetation
  4. I like the lighting but maybe change the tone to give it a mystical island feel.