Curve Edited animation instantly crashes game when played


Hope you’re having a great day,
I’ve recently made an animation on my gun using curve editor,
it looks perfectly fine when I play it on the animation creator.

But unfortunately, my game crashes as soon as I equip the tool that holds the animation.

(The button that was pressed was 2, Indicating that I tried to equip the “M4A1”).

On the other hand, my guns were perfectly fine when I animated on the dope sheet editor.

Most of my current animations is mostly made from curve editor, and I really dont want to recreate my animations again from scratch.

I need this to be fixed quickly so I can carry on my work.
Thank you for reading

There is probably something in the Tool’s Script that’s causing this to happen. Are there any errors in output when the game crashes?

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No Not at all, the game crashes before it outputs any errors.

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Check over the scripts and see if there are anything that is game breaking.

Some things that could break your game are: while loops without a wait(however they wouldn’t do much cuz roblox stops the scripts automatically), some things that require a lot of computer power to process, etc

The scripts are not the problem at all, If I keep the same code from the other guns with their same animation, there is no problem at all except for the animation being for the incorrect gun.

But when I add this specific curved edited animation to any gun, it fully disfunctions and crashes the game.

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Oh that’s quite sad… :frowning:

Unfortunately I don’t think I can help you, sorry