Custom character movement - player moves all the time even when you arent touching the keyboard

I am making a custom character movement system. I made it work but its a bit bugged so I am here to get help.
Heres my script (localscript in starterplrscripts):

local movements = {
	["forw"] = Enum.KeyCode.W,
	["left"] = Enum.KeyCode.A,
	["back"] = Enum.KeyCode.S,
	["right"] = Enum.KeyCode.D,

local inputs = setmetatable({}, {
	__index = function(t, k)
		return game:GetService("UserInputService"):IsKeyDown(movements[k]) and 1 or 0

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	local movez = inputs.forw - inputs.back
	local movex = inputs.left - inputs.right
	humanoid:Move(, 0, -movez - 5) +, 0, 0), true)

In the script you keep moving all the time, even if you don’t press wasd. Altho left and right works u keep moving forward, w and s dont move u. im ok with the player moving all the time, id like to know how can i reduce the speed at which they keep moving. I had to do -movez - 5 as i dont want them to turn super fast as my game is high speed based. this prevents them from turning super fast but also makes them move all the time, which i dont know how to prevent. thanks

You can just check if movex is not 0

if movex ~= 0 then
	humanoid:Move(, 0, -movez - 5) +, 0, 0), true)
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