This is not meant to be Realistic, but i probaly am going to change the Effect later when i rework the System to be more Organized and include Crouching.
That’s intentional, since you’re on the Backrooms.
On the Lore i am making “You don’t know where you are, and don’t know what is the backrooms so you’re in a panic state”, when you reach a higher level the effects will become less shaky.
I don’t know why people are criticizing this for being to “Bouncy” and stuff. I think it looks perfectly fine. The only thing I see is maybe you could smooth the transitions from going one direction to another. What I mean it that it’s a odd, you are going left and then you immediately go right. maybe add a slight “ragdoll” effect to it so it’s not as instantaneous. I’m not sure if any of that made sense
It feels a little TOO wobbly- Like I love a little realism but to a games movement but who shakes their head side to side like this? now if it was for say a damage indicator to simulate a limp or for a monster POV then yeah but right now its giving me a headache
I dunno about you but I dont shake my head around when I walk lol, plus overly wobbly games gives me headaches and I cant play em for more then a minute