Cut Mark doesnt work on parts that are too long/wide?

Im making a Cut mark-impact thing for my game, and when i use it on skinny parts like this, it works

But when i use it on wider parts, it doesnt work for some reason.

Here is my code:

local direction = hrp.CFrame.LookVector
local ray = + direction * distance, -direction * distance)

	local part,pos,normal = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,{character,workspace.Effects})
	if ray then
		if part and part.Anchored == true and part.CanCollide == true and part.Transparency == 0 and part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") == nil and part.Parent ~= workspace.Effects then
			local impact = game.ReplicatedStorage.Models.HitModels[weapon.Name].Impact:Clone()
			impact.Parent = workspace.Effects
			--impact.Position = part.Position
			impact.CFrame =, pos + normal)
			impact.CFrame = impact.CFrame*,50)/100,math.random(-50,50)/100,0)*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.random(1,360))
			local WeldConstraint ="WeldConstraint", impact)
			WeldConstraint.Part0 = impact
			WeldConstraint.Part1 = part
			local sound = sounds[weapon.Name].Impact:Clone()
			sound.Parent = impact

I assume its something to do with the raycast, as there are no errors and it doesnt print with the wider parts. Ill take any help, thanks!

Ps: both parts are the same part, just resized

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Did you try printing part above that check? Are you sure this part satisfies the conditional? Verify it’s anchored, transparency 0, not a child of something with a humanoid, and CanCollide.

You should switch to the new Raycast method btw; FindPartOnRay is deprecated. You also don’t need to check part.Parent ~= workspace.Effects because workspace.Effects is in the exclude list.

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Its the same exact part just resized, and thanks ill look into the new method!

Bump, still looking for a solution!

Bumpx2, still looking for a solution