Cutscene Intro Help

1 it has to be an introduction with a GUI that pops up in the game (EXAMPLE: (Game title Image) and then it disappears then right after that before I get to see the GUI disappear I get teleported to a different place.)

2 I dont know how to script at all, so a tutorial video link or a system I can use would be helpful (note if you give me a system that I can use I would give credit for use in games.)

3 stuff I thought of so far was looking up tutorials on the devforum and YouTube but couldn’t find stuff.

Please watch this video I made of me explaining what I am talking about:2021 12 19 14 37 01 - YouTube

Change this topic to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support since you need help about the script. To change it to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support just press the edit icon(pencil icon[At the side of this topic title]) to edit then select the #help-and-feedback:scripting-support . So people could help you with the script. Also, I’ll try to help you tomorrow since its night and i can’t see if my script works!

I dont script, I dont have one as well.I am just looking for a tutorial on how to make the system