Data store added to queue?

Hello my name is architect and i am trying to figure this out! people lose their data for some reason and i have not found out why hope you can help me here or leave a link to one that is solved.

Here is the recent script:

Yes i am using a module script!
Here is the output

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This means you’re attempting to save/get data too many times at once. Your system seems to repeat and you check if the invError is nil. For GetAsync, you could just do:

local success, result = pcall(function()
     return DataStore:GetAsync(key) -- just return the data store entry instead of making a local variable for it, it'll return to the "result" variable.
     -- if it fails, the "result" variable would be the output

if success then
    if result then -- checks if the data isn't nil
       -- there's data to load, do stuff
       -- no data/new player
   -- failed to save

And for SetAsync do:

local success, message = pcall(function()
     DataStore:SetAsync(key, value)

if not success then
   -- failed to save

Attempting to repeat it again until it does anything will just cause the queue to fill and it’ll fail

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Thank you i understand what you are meaning about on the other hand i do not know where to put the script you just mentioned but thanks for solving it!