DataStoreService only saving if IntValue is changed using the ROBLOX Console

This issue has been solved, Thank you.


look at some details,

if you drain Hunger or any stats in a [Local Script] without warning the server then data will not save

if you create the Hunger drain in a Server Script, you can make it so when hunger.value changes, it will save, and since Hunger is inside the [player] , you can create in a [Local Script] only a visual update

Server scripts always save stuff internally
Local scripts has the Visuals, so you will track your stats

always add prints, this helps alot

because, since the value is updating internally, then locally it will update (the IntValue on the player)

btw add some hunger.value:changed in a [Local Script] because without that, Visually you will see nothing changing ( for the client only )

I thought that, but I didn’t know what to do. Thanks!