
I was making a touched function but I want to add a denounce so if they touch it in the matter of lets say 5 seconds then it wont fire but anything above 5 will. Ex: local de = false script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function() if de = false then de = true print (“hi”) wait(5) de = false end end). I’ve tried stuff like this but it just doesn’t work. Please help me :smiley:

Can you format your code so we can see clear?

Well its not the code itself really its just like how should I use debounces and when… If you know what I mean. I just don’t understand how I’m supposed to implant them and how they are supposed to work.

local de = false 
	if de = false then 
		de = true  
		de = false 

Apparently you are not using a comparison operator in the if statement, which explains why it is not working. Instead try if not de then or if de == false then. The code above is not a solution.

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It’s ==, not =. That’s how denounces work.

Ahh I see so something like

local buttonPressed = false
–Store whether the button is pressed in a local variable

if not buttonPressed then
– Is it not pressed?

    buttonPressed = true
    -- Mark it as pressed, so that other handlers don't execute

    print("Button pressed")
    print("Hi :D")
    -- Do Stuff

    buttonPressed = false
    -- Mark it as not pressed, so other handlers can execute again


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